
Home of Paws-itive
Dog Training & Holistic Therapies

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Zoopharmacognosy is from the ancient Greek ‘Zoo’ (animal) ‘pharmaco’ (remedy) and ‘gnosis’ (knowing). This is the study of animals self-selecting botanicals to help them get into better balance. All animals have the capability to make choices when given the opportunity to heal themselves.

Canines are my speciality. I studied Canine Pharmacognosy with Caroline Ingraham and did follow up courses with Sheila Harper and Winny Boreham. I am fully insured to work with dogs.

The dogs will self-select the products to help with the following:

      Behaviour – anxiety, aggression, shut down dogs, hyperactive, fear of noises



      Kidneys & urinary problems


      Pain & Inflammation

      Hormone in-balance



      Ear problems

And much more.

The practice of self-selection allows dogs to guide their own health and they will smell the botanicals, ingest it, or ask for it to be applied topically on them. We only use quality products from tested suppliers.

Please note, we are not a vet and do not diagnose, we are complimentary to their services.


Please contact Pat White to discuss the availability of courses suitable for your dog.

Pat White - 0114 232 6557/07952 436 536